4th Droitwich Mail Art exhibition: Review

There is something about the mail art that puts it on the completely different level than any other art movement. The artists involved in the networking are, before all else, a curious people who are open to new experiences. They are interested not only in visual arts but also in poetry, writing, photography, music, filmmaking, performance. Some of the artists are very socially aware and involved in various social activities that deal with human rights, justice or the environment. Some dedicated the whole life to the right cause. They share their joy of creativity with a passion and open-handedly. The sense of camaraderie is strong but spontaneous not assertive.exhibition 1

To have artworks of all these people at one place is an incredible experience. The theme of self-portrait might be well exploited, but I offered it with a hope of a different approach. The mail art that arrived answered to the call in a fantastic way – from traditional and digitally created self-portraits to portraits that showed inner life of the artists (their joys, fears, anxiety, happiness). Portraits that reflect artists’ dreams, wishes, and their roots. Some serious, some humorous. Some a results of assiduous work, some done in a jiffy. All echoing the artist’s persona.

The exhibition in 2018 got together works of 195 artists from 27 countries. It is an incredible achievement for Droitwich Mail Art. It is the time to raise the project one step higher and future projects may need a bigger exhibiting venue and a small budget, which is something to think about in the next several months.


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Daniel M. [Spain]

Daniel M. from Coruna in Spain send us his card and, as far as I know, is the only mail art submission that was lost and arrived at the wrong address. Luckily, after a bit of online research, Droitwich Mail Art is tracked down and Daniel’s postcard has made its way to the exhibition.

Daniel M.

Ruth Bourne [UK]

Ruth Bourne from Droitwich Spa is a photographer with Licentiate of The Royal Photographic Society (LRPS) distinction. She enjoys creating all types of photography and often takes part in photo challenges and competitions. Ruth also experimenting in digital art and mixed media. Her submission is titled ‘Looking inward’.

To see Ruth’s portfolio please visit f-action Group website

Ruth Bourne