Lutz Beeke [Germany]

Lutz Beeke is an artist from Potsdam, Germany. He is a trained art educator and creative media specialist. His quick-witted and engaging art is a part of many past and ongoing mail art projects.

Judith Skolnick [USA]

Judith Skolnick has sent us her postcard/self-portrait in a quick, expressionist manner. Judith is very active mail artist since early 1990s, a member of IUOMA, and her lively, colorful art can be seen as a part of many projects and exhibitions.

Judith Skolnick

Cynthia Morrison [USA]

Cynthia Morrison from Palm Beach, USA, is a multimedia artist in many ways. She is active mail artists, photographer, author, and playwright. To add to all her creative skills, Cynthia is a Lady Daredevil (to use her own words) – she is a competitor and instructor in all daring activities that you can imagine – racing, Scottish Highland games, jousting, powerlifting, martial arts and many others.

Cynthia joins Droitwich Mail Art project for the third time. This time we have her self-portraits that seem to reflect her enormous inner energy.

Cynthia Morrison 3

Bruno Chiarlone Debenedetti [Italy]

Bruno Chiarlone Debenedetti is an artist from Cairo Montenotte-Savona (Italy) who is involved in mail art and visual poetry, and many other forms of communication art, networking, writing … since the 1980s. In 1989 he organised a Mail Art convention in Rocchetta Cairo and wrote the manifest “Eco-Art Poetry” in 1990.He is also working continuously on art research projects, art installations, performances and promotion of arts. He published the book “Walk T Over”, a collection of small artists’ books dedicated to experimental, concrete and visual poetry, or any work combining text and visual arts in the spirit of Dadaism or Fluxus.

Self Portrait 2018

New year, new mail art project!

         past, present, future and wannabe self
[other-pair-of-eyes self, mum’s-wish self, socially-acceptable self, if-only self,
before-I-met-you self, selfish self, the-best-of self, naughty self, clever self,
silly self, good-deed self, ignorant self, stubborn self…]

After a very successful 2017 exhibition, with a large number of submissions arrived and my fear that gallery space allocated to the project won’t be enough big, I am glad to announce that the new Droitwich Mail Art project is on now. The theme is Self Portrait [past, present, future and wannabe self] and the artists are invited to look at their mirrors (real or imagined) and create the picture of themselves, as they are or wish to be, or how they looked once upon the time. Here are few important notes:

poster 1Theme: Self Portrait
Technique: Any [except videos and 3D]
Format: please choose A6 [10cm X 15cm] or A5 [15cm X 21cm], if possible.
No entry fee, no returns, all mail art will be exhibited. Racist, violent and pornographic artworks will not be exhibited. Max. 2 submissions per artist.
Artist’s /artwork’s details: Please give us clearly written – your name, title of the work, email address, website [if any]. Please confirm your submission by
email to

Deadline: 1st June 2018

The exhibition will be held during the ArtsFest in Droitwich Spa, UK [30 June – 28 July 2018] in the public library gallery. All artworks will be published on
Droitwich Mail Art website []

Please send your art to:

Droitwich Mail Art, 19 Impney Way, Droitwich Spa, WR9 7EJ, United Kingdom


Selected mail art in two venues during October

Droitwich Spa is a small town with not a single one art gallery. It is difficult to find a venue when you wish to show the art. But some of the local businesses are very keen to help and promote arts in the town throughout the year.We have been offered to show a small section of this year’s project in two different venues. As for the limited space, the number of chosen artworks is very small and we are hopeful that there will be new opportunities in the future to show more.

Park’s Cafe in the centre of the town is a popular cafe/bar/restaurant and the meeting point to many town’s groups. They hold monthly exhibitions of local artists and wished to display a small selection of mail art.

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